It’s time to get a legally ratified financial agreement. To break the money shackles holding you together.
It has been in the too-hard basket, and somehow you muddled along, caught in relationship limbo. Stuck in the past but living in an unsettled, shaky and at times emotionally disturbed present.
Although things are bearable now, that could change. A new relationship partner, a friend whispering in their ear, and what was okay and agreed could sour, quickly. And then it gets ugly and expensive.
A Binding Financial Agreement ties up the loose ends. It frees you to step forward onto solid ground, walking your own path.
To make a fresh start in life without any lingering baggage, and with financial security and certainty.
A Binding Financial Agreement is a comprehensive, legally authorised document about the separation of your financial assets. Who gets what.
It can cover the family home, investment properties, cars, furniture, shared portfolio savings, superannuation, and whether maintenance should be paid.
And our acclaimed and simple process will deliver that for you.
It involves two steps:
1) A documented Financial Agreement
A comprehensive agreed document between both parties. To confirm how you will share your financial assets.
2) Legal Advice
Each party has to meet with their own Family lawyer. To explain the document and to confirm that you understand and agree. After which, they certify the agreement. Only then is it legally binding. Our Legal Review Service will sort that out for you.
And then it’s done. Transfer the assets to the agreed owner, and step forward.
But it starts with the Financial Agreement document, and that part is easy.
When you buy our Financial Agreement Kit you get a total support package to make this step as quick and painless as possible. After all, once you’ve started you want the whole process finalised ASAP.
You get:
If it is, we will send you a link to buy it and you take advantage of its remarkable value.
Then, once your Agreement is ready, you can take advantage of our fixed price Legal Review Service from just $2790*, which provides independent legal advice for both parties. Because until it is legally certified, all you have is a document.
From the comfort of your own home. Buy the document, download it and get started.
The separation agreement template is written in plain English. Just fill in the blanks. And there is an Exclusive Member’s area packed with tips and guides to help.
Don’t get stuck – just call 1800 608 088 and talk to a real person, here in Australia, happy and able to answer every question you have. To make it “stress-less” for you.
We have supported many thousands of Australian couples through a successful and pain-free financial separation. We are here to help and we know what we are doing.
Go direct to lawyers and you can easily spend $8-10,000 to get a Binding Financial Agreement. Our combined service is less than half that price – for the same outcome.
A fixed price gives you certainty without the worries of the ticking $$$ clock at most law firms.
RP Emery has been operating for over 35 years, during which we have helped tens of thousands of Australians with their legal documents. Our glowing testimonials and continuous stream of referrals are a testament to the quality of our service.
Then, once your Agreement is ready, you can take advantage of our fixed price Legal Review Service from just $2790*, for both parties. Because until it is legally certified, all you have is a document.
If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase or our service, please phone our office on 1800 608 088 within seven (7) days of purchase and we will rectify the situation, issue a refund, or offer a credit towards future purchases.
It is always surprising how many people tell us, “I wish I had done this earlier”. They floundered around in limbo, putting up with the niggles and occasional flare-ups.
Trying to walk on shaky and at times volatile ground, never quite sure where to put their foot. Accepting the money binds that held both parties back.
Which is ok… until it’s not.
Or you could break the shackles now – your choice.
Get started. Buy your Financial Separation Agreement template now – just $147.
Then once your Agreement is ready you can take advantage of the fixed price Legal Review Service from just $2790*, for both parties.
And finally break with the past and make a fresh start in life, with financial security and certainty.