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Financial Agreements: Cohabitation and De Facto Relationships.

The decision to live with one’s partner is often made with little consideration to the legal rights each person has with respect to assets, money and property.

Issues about dividing property (also known as property settlement ) might not concern younger couples, but older couples with significant assets and/or children may enter cohabitation a little more cautiously. One might say once bitten twice shy.

The Family Law Act (the Act) allows de facto couples to make application to the Family court for orders in respect of the division of property and spousal maintenance in a relationship of sufficient duration.

This means that even if a couple isn’t legally married, they have the similar rights under the law if their relationship lasts long enough or if they have children together. These laws apply to both hetero and same-sex couples alike.

Avoid the Courts – Make a Financial Agreement

The Act ( section 90UC) sets down provisions for de facto couples to avoid court proceedings by making a financial agreement.

A de facto agreement allows a couple to avoid court by settling how their property should be divided in the event of a relationship breakdown.

By making a cohabitation de facto agreement, you can quarantine certain assets from claim during a property settlement. This can help couples feel more secure particularly if one partner has significant assets and the other does not.

A pre de facto agreement allows a couple to determine how their property should be divided in the event of a relationship breakdown You can choose to deal with all of your financial interest now or you may choose to deal with a single asset like a family farm, a business or an inheritance.

Couples often use a Financial Agreement to protect assets accumulated before the relationship for existing children.

Financial Cohabitation Agreements allows you to decide how you will :-

  • Deal with assets and liabilities that each partner accumulated separately before the relationship;
  • Handle and manage jointly acquired assets;
  • Divide individual and jointly owned property if the relationship breaks down.

Financial agreements can comfort and reassure people living in or entering into de facto relationships. They are recognised and enforceable under Part VIIIAB of the Family Law Act and can save you time, money and a lot of heartaches.

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How to talk to your partner about a cohabitation agreement

Talking about legal and financial issues can be confronting. But  communicating openly and honestly with each other about difficult topics will give you a solid foundation for getting through tough times.

That being said, it’s important to approach the conversation with some sensitivity. We recommend that you:

  1. Plan ahead and choose a time carefully;
  2. Keep it simple and don’t expect to cover everything at once;
  3. Have an answer for why a financial agreement is important to you; and
  4. Stay calm, fair and respectful

talking about cohabitation

How to arrange a cohabitation agreement

Traditionally, you would engage a lawyer to draft the agreement for you. This involves several meetings to determine what you want the agreement to achieve, and as lawyers charge by the hour, it is easy to see how the costs escalate quite rapidly.

Alternatively, you can start with a financial agreement (cohabitation) template kit and do more of the work yourself, saving you considerable time and money.

But remember, you will still need legal advice before you sign to ensure your agreement is binding.

What are the benefits of using a Kit vs a Lawyer?

When you visit a lawyer for the first time, you can expect a meeting to flesh out your needs. From that meeting, you’ll be required to provide certain information, for example:

  • Who are the parties to the agreement? You will provide full names and dates of birth.
  • When did you start living together?
  • Are there any children of the relationship (names and dates of birth)?
  • Do you hold any controlling interest in a company trust or SMSF?
  • List each party’s current assets and liabilities.

Once that information has been provided, a document will be prepared (generally from a template the firm has used previously), and another meeting will be scheduled to review the draft agreement.

You may need to provide additional info, and there may be several emails back and forth.

All the while, the meter is running at the hourly rate. The more meetings and emails, the higher the cost.

Once a document has been prepared, you will provide a copy to your partner, who must then seek his/her own legal advice.

It’s a time-consuming and costly process.

All that to-ing and fro-ing can be avoided if you use a template kit.

You will still need to provide all that information, but instead of paying a lawyer to enter the data into their template, you and your partner can enter the information straight into a template yourselves.

It’s easy to see how this can save you a bundle in legal fees!

template kit versus lawyer

There are 5 easy steps to putting a cohabitation agreement in place

  1. Download the Agreement Kit – just $ to get started
  2. Fill in the Template (using the Users Guide and other resources)
  3. Submit your draft agreement to our team for assessment
  4. Get the Fixed Price Legal Advice – $ covers both parties in most cases
  5. Sign your Agreement

All in all, you can complete your de facto cohabitation financial agreement and have peace of mind about your future financial security for just $ (unless you have very complicated financials)

5 steps to a legally binding financial agreement


The easy to use de facto cohabitation agreement kit is only $

This de facto agreement kit has been professionally drafted to comply with section 90UB of the Family law Act or section 205ZO of the Family Court Act (Western Australian) and allows you to complete a defacto financial agreement with a minimum of fuss. It includes;

  • The defacto Agreement template – written in plain English
  • A Comprehensive User’s Guide which answers your questions
  • Sample agreement – so you know what the completed agreement should look like
  • Sample clauses – help you to tailor the document to your own situation – just cut and paste!
  • A Bonus Will kit because you often need to update your Will when entering a new relationship.
  • Access to the Exclusive Members area which takes you through the process step-by-step
  • Complimentary Financial Agreement Assessment –we check your draft agreement to determine whether if is suitable for our Legal Review Service. This is how we save you thousands of dollars in legal fees.
  • Access to fixed price Legal Advice (Legal Review Service $ covers both parties in most cases) so you can get your agreement certified without spending a fortune.

two parts to a binding financial agreement

Why do we need Legal Advice?

The legal Advice acts a safety net, and ensures that both parties understand the effect that the agreement has on their legal rights. It is mandated by  Section 90UJ of the Family Law Act, which states that each party to the agreement must receive independent legal advice before the agreement has any legal force.

To fulfil this requirement, RP Emery provide an Agreement Review and Legal Certification Service .

Sample Pages of a Cohabitation Agreement

We’ve shown the agreement for all states except W.A., heterosexual couple.

The grey boxes indicate form fields where you enter your personal information.

Sample defacto cohabitation Agreement

Cohabitation Agreement Sample Excerpt 2

Cohabitation Agreement Sample Excerpt 1

Which Cohabitation Agreement do you need?

Agreement Type All states EXCEPT WA Western Australia
Already Living Together Buy Financial Agreement 90UC Kit Buy Financial Agreement WA 205ZO Kit
Planning to Live Together Buy Financial Agreement 90UB Kit Buy Financial Agreement WA 205ZN Kit

Satisfaction Guaranteed – Our Promise to You

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase or our service, please phone our office on 1800 608 088 within seven (7) days of purchase and we will rectify the situation, issue a refund, or offer a credit towards future purchases.

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Important – Required Legal Advice

Financial Agreements only become Legally Binding when each party has received Certified Independent Legal Advice - Click Here for More Information

Australian Law

Our Financial Agreements are drafted to comply with Australian Law

Professionally Drafted

The agreements are professionally drafted by Australian Family Law Experts

Instant Download

No Need to Wait. Download the Agreements Instantly

Easy to use

Plain English - No Legalese. Your Financial agreement is easy to use, edit and understand